Saturday, January 25, 2020

Personal Narrative Essay Outline

Personal Narrative Essay Outline Now that youve read and analyzed a personal narrative essay, you are going to prepare an outline for an essay that you could write. At this point, you will not go so far as to actually write the essay, but you may at the end of this unit so make sure its something you actually could write about. Step 1: Brainstorming a topic The personal narrative essay centers around a story from your own life. In your essay you will both tell the story and analyze the significance of that story. SoÂÂ   try to think of a story that led you to an important belief you have. Maybe its a belief you have about whats important in life, or a discovery you made about yourself.ÂÂ   You may brainstorm by creating a mind map or just by doing some free-writing. Either way, you will hand in your brainstorming with this sheet. Step 2: Thesis Your thesis for an essay like this is different from other thesis statements. Think of it more like a belief statement. Eg/ I believe that by exploring my own fears I become wiser. You may not use that exact wording in your essay, but it doesnt matter. You have to support your belief statement with the examples from your story but you dont have to prove it. Thesis:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3: Mapping out the story and thinking about how each element supports your belief. Parts of the story How it helped you develop your belief Beginning: Middle: End: Step 4: Precise and vivid language Narrative essays use many of the same techniques as short stories. Think about some precise and vivid uses of language you could include. Come up with at least three. They could include imagery, similes, use of contrast, metaphor, etc. Eg/ the tango with fear makes me wise. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 5: Character? Dialogue? Will you have any characters in your essay? Any dialogue? If so who? What will they say? Remember, character and dialogue is used to help you support your thesis-not just to tell the story. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Friday, January 17, 2020

Museum Paper

The purpose of this paper is to visit The Metropolitan Museum of Art and write a reaction paper about art works at the museum based on my impressions about them. To begin, I will start by giving you a little of background information about this interesting museum. The Metropolitan Museum of Art was founded in 1870 by a group of American citizens. It opened on February 20, 1872 and was originally located at 681 on Fifth Avenue. Also known as â€Å"The Met†, the museum is located on the eastern edge of Central Park in New York City. It has a permanent collection containing more than two million works of art.The main building of the Met is one of the world’s largest art galleries. The museum permanent collection includes art from classical antiquity and Ancient Egypt, paintings and sculptures from nearly all of the European masters and an extensive collection of American and modern art. The Met also maintains extensive holdings of African, Asian, Oceanic, Byzantine, and Is lamic art. The museum is also home of encyclopedic collections musical instruments, costumes and accessories and antique weapons and armor from around the world.As of today, The Met measures almost a quarter mile long and occupies more than two million square feet. When I went to the museum I was amazed by it size. It’s a huge building. It has so many steps at the main entrance and you almost can’t walk because so many people are seating at the steps. It is incredible how many people go to the museum. I was surprise. I didn’t think so many people were going to be there from so many places from the city and all across the world. You cannot walk without bumping another person. It is very interesting seeing and learning about all the arts and sculptures you see in there.I saw a â€Å"Bone Doll† that I found very interesting because it was made with bones incised with schematic anatomical feature formed from a series of geometric shapes and has short arms. Th ere are more elaborate examples that have hair. I also saw a mummy with an inserted panel portrait of a youth from Hawara a part of Egypt. His downy moustache indicates that he was no older than his twenties. I found a Seated Statue of the monarch Idu II Dendera funny because to look at the statue you have to look through a rectangular hole that is in the wall. I think that also makes people curious to look, to see what’s inside there.I didn’t like the painting â€Å"The Man of Sorrows† by Michele Giambono because the man in the painting was bleeding real badly. It was an image of Saint Francis receiving the stigmata with a figure of Christ as the man of sorrows. The painting was done using tempera and gold on wood. I liked the painting of Girolamo dai Libri called â€Å"Madona and Child with Saints† because it was a very peaceful environment. Tempera and oil on canvas was used in the painting. The drawing â€Å"A Hunting Scene† is a very interesti ng painting but I didn’t like it because too much violence was involved. The whole drawing is base on killing.Tempera and oil transferred to masonite were used. The drawing â€Å"Hercules and Achelous† is very interesting because Hercules is fighting Achelous who transformed himself into a bull in order to fight Hercules for the favors of Deianeira. In the struggle, one of his horn snapped off and Nymphs filled it with flowers and fruits creating the Cornucopia, Horn of Plenty. In conclusion, I will talk about the most interesting place in the entire museum for me, The Temple of Dendur. It’s amazing how beautiful this place is. At the entrance, you encounter yourself with two big statues that make it looks like if they were guards of the temple.It also has a very interesting pool aria as part of a landscape of the temple. It’s very beautiful and it gives another look to the temple. At the center, they have two little buildings that you go inside and look at them, and around, they have these kind of benches that you can seat and rest if you have been a while in the museum because trust me, you will get tired. The museum is so big and interesting that you just want to see every little corner like I did. I recommend people to take some time and visit the Met museum because it’s worth going to.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

All About Levees in the U.S.

A levee is a type of dam or wall, usually a man-made embankment, that acts as a barrier between water and property. It is often a raised berm that runs along a river or canal. Levees reinforce a rivers banks and help prevent flooding. By constricting and confining the flow, however, levees can also increase the speed of the water. Levees can fail in at least two ways: (1) the structure is not high enough to stop rising waters, and (2) the structure is not strong enough to hold back rising waters. When a levee breaks at a weakened area, the levee is considered breached, and water flows through the breach or hole. A levee system often includes pumping stations as well as embankment. A levee system can fail if one or more of the pumping stations fail. Definition of Levee A man-made structure, usually an earthen embankment or concrete floodwall, designed and constructed in accordance with sound engineering practices to contain, control, or divert the flow of water so as to provide reasonable assurance of excluding temporary flooding from the leveed area. — U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Types of Levees Levees can be natural or man-made. A natural levee is formed when sediment settles on the river bank, raising the level of the land around the river. To construct a man-made levee, workers pile dirt or concrete along the river banks (or parallel to any body of water that may rise), to create an embankment. This embankment is flat at the top, and slopes at an angle down to the water. For added strength, sandbags are sometimes placed over dirt embankments. Origin of the Word The word levee (pronounced LEV-ee) is an Americanism — that is, a word used in the United States, but not anywhere else in the world. It should come as no surprise that levee originated in the great port city of New Orleans, Louisiana, at the mouth of the flood-prone Mississippi River. Coming from the French word  levà ©e and the French verb lever meaning to raise, handmade embankments to protect farms from seasonal floods became known as levees. A dike serves the same purpose as a levee, but that word comes from the Dutch dijk or German deich. Levees Around the World A levee is also known as a floodbank, stopbank, embarkment, and storm barrier. Although the structure goes by different names, levees protect the land in many parts of the world. In Europe, levees prevent flooding along the Po, Vistula, and Danube rivers. In the United States, you will find important levee systems along the Mississippi, Snake, and Sacramento Rivers. In California, an aging levee system is used in Sacramento and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Poor maintenance of the Sacramento levees have made the area prone to flooding. Global warming has brought stronger storms and greater risks of flooding. Engineers are seeking alternatives to levees for flood control. The answer may lie in modern flood control technologies used in England, Europe, and Japan. Levees, New Orleans, and Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, Louisiana, is largely below sea level. The systematic construction of its levees began in the 19th century and continued into the 20th century as the federal government became more involved with engineering and funding. In August 2005, several levees along waterways of Lake Ponchartrain failed, and water covered 80% of New Orleans. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers designed the levees to withstand the forces of a fast-blowing Category 3 storm; they werent strong enough to survive the Category 4 Hurricane Katrina. If a chain is as strong as its weakest link, a levee is as functional as its structural weakness. A full year before Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, Walter Maestri, the emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, was quoted in the New Orleans Times-Picayune: It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that’s the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can’t be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us. — June 8, 2004 (one year before Hurricane Katrina) Levees as Infrastructure Infrastructure is a framework of communal systems. In the 18th and 19th centuries, farmers created their own levees to protect their fertile farmland from inevitable floods. As more and more people became dependent on other people for growing their food, it made sense that flood mitigation was everyones responsibility and not simply the local farmer. Through legislation, the federal government helps states and localities with engineering and subsidizing the cost of levee systems. Flood insurance has also become a way for people living in high risk areas can help with the cost of levee systems. Some communities have combined flood mitigation with other public works projects, such as highways along riverbanks and hiking paths in recreation areas. Other levees are nothing more than functional. Architecturally, levees can be aesthetically pleasing feats of engineering. The Future of Levees Todays levees are being engineered for resilience and built for double duty — protection when needed and recreation in the off-season. Creating a levee system has become a partnership among communities, counties, states, and federal government entities. Risk assessment, construction costs, and insurance liabilities combine in a complex soup of action and inaction for these public works projects. The building of levees to mitigate flooding will continue to be an issue as communities plan and build for extreme weather events, a predictable unpredictability from climate change. Sources USACE Program Levees, US Army Corps of Engineers at States of Shame, by Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, September 3, 2005 [accessed August 12, 2016]History of Levees, FEMA, PDF at photos: Mario Tama/Getty Images; Julie Dermansky/Corbis via Getty Images (cropped)

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Climate Change Causes And Effects - 1347 Words

Human health is slowly diminishing, the ocean and sea levels are increasing dramatically, and plant life around the earth is vanishing- all due to the longly debated topic of climate change. Climate change is no myth; it’s a further analysis of how our planet is suffering the negative effects of human carelessness, which can be observed through the glaciers worldwide. Due to fossil fuel consumption and deforestation, greenhouse gasses are beyond regular amounts and affecting the glaciers, causing them to melt and increase ocean and sea levels. To further understand Climate Change, one must recognize what it is. When people ponder about climate, they think of the patterns of biomes in terms of weather, temperature, precipitation, wind, seasons, and humidity. This element is what shapes the planet and human economies, and is no longer a predictable factor due to human readjustment. Climate change is the transition of these elements into more harmful factors. Human factors such as deforestation, carbon emissions, factory emissions, and much more impact the dying, aging Earth. Greenhouse gases are the main cause of climate change, as the glaciers are melting due to what is known as the greenhouse effect. As scientist Alex Hohensee explains it, â€Å"The greenhouse effect is how gases in the atmosphere, like water vapor, carbon dioxide and others trap energy from the sun... if there was not that effect from the gases the Earth’s surface would be sixty degrees colder† (AlecShow MoreRelatedCause And Effect Of Clim ate Change Essay1220 Words   |  5 PagesCause and effects of Climate Change. General purpose: to inform. Specific purpose: After hearing my speech my audience will know what climate change is, what causes it and its effects now and in the future. Thesis Statement: Climate change is a very important issue that affects all of us. Organization pattern: Cause and effect. Introduction: I. (Attention-getter): How do you explain that 30 years ago we had a different weather than today? When you look at yourself in a dirty mirror; can you seeRead MoreCauses And Effects Of Climate Change1706 Words   |  7 PagesDiscuss the causes and effects of climate change. Present any solutions that are relevant to these issues. Probably the most anxious threat to our earth in these two decades is climate change. Climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other saying, climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects, that occur over several decades or longer (, 2015). The rateRead MoreClimate Change : Causes And Effects934 Words   |  4 Pages Climate Change Paper Kaitlyn Yinger 4-17-15 Erin Reese Biology 122: 10:30-12:45 Climate Change What really causes climate change? Is it human cause or is a natural process that is happening? I think that us as humans contribute more to climate change then natural causes. Human Causes Humans affect climate change in different ways, three main ways that humans caused climate change is deforestation, greenhouse gases and Agriculture. Deforestation causes change to the landscapeRead MoreThe Causes And Effects Of Climate Change1084 Words   |  5 PagesAs a result of climate change, natural disaster has increased extremely, especially droughts and floods around the world. In the past several years, it can be seen that various news concerned critical climate variability and extreme weather. For instance, the United States Department of Agriculture (2013) pointed out that the US agricultural land suffered from drought about 80 percent in 2012, while BBC (2015) reported that one of four districts in Myanmar, which were warned of flooding caused byRead MoreCauses And Effects Of Climate Change Essay1260 Words   |  6 PagesCommunication 11, Section D23 Informative Speech 14 November 2016 Causes and effects of Climate Change. General purpose: to inform. Specific purpose: After hearing my speech, my audience will know more what climate change is, what causes it and its effects now and in the future. Thesis Statement: Climate change is a very important issue that affects all of us, we need to know more about this issue. Organization pattern: Cause and effect. Introduction: I. (Attention-getter): When you look at yourselfRead MoreThe Causes And Effects Of Climate Change1690 Words   |  7 Pagesdebates about the pros and cons of climate change and what are the causes and effects of climate change. There are those who argue that the rising levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases in our environment are as a direct result of human activities. Some activities that are at the top of the list include but are not limited to the burning of fossil fuels, the cutting down of our forest, these activities are causing significant and increasingly severe climate changes which include global warming. GlobalRead MoreClimate Change : Causes And Effects1113 Words   |  5 Pages Climate Change: Causes and Effects Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Climate Change: Causes and Effects According to Adger (2010), the combined effect of climate change and limitations of resources is serving as a threat to the sustainability of the current social-economic systems and is poised to affect our way of life. Climatic change is more than global warming. The rise in temperatures is but part of the broader changes leading to extreme temperatures, drought, floodingRead MoreClimate Change : Causes And Effects1781 Words   |  8 PagesClimate change, either caused by humans, or naturally occurring, is beginning to affect several areas around the world and is causing human environmental insecurity in some already weakened states and regions. Climate change is defined simply as changes in the earth’s weather patterns. Change in climate becomes a security concern, for example, if decreased rainfall equates to decreased crop production in what was once a dependable food source that has now disappeared. The lack of this resourceRead MoreClimate Change : Causes And Effects E ssay1856 Words   |  8 PagesClimate change: Climate change is caused mainly by increase of human activity and industrialisation. For example, activities such as driving cars, farming, burning coal and cutting down forests produce greenhouse gases – mainly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide which are emitted into the atmosphere, which create a layer of greenhouse gases around the earth and trap the sun s heat. The earth over its 4.5 billion-year history has naturally fluctuated from ice ages to extreme droughts, howeverRead MoreClimate Change : Causes, Effects And Solutions1774 Words   |  8 Pageslately on the causes, effects and solutions of global climate change. Nearly every day, scientists and politicians speak about the subject, or we hear about it in the news media. On September 23, 2014, President Obama remarked at a U.N. Climate Change Summit that â€Å"-- there’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate† (The White House). The science of climate and climate change involves many